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Tuesday 22 July 2014

Some reasons why sun is good for your skin Naturally

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The sun rays are proven to Strengthen the immune system. 

1. Due to the sun our mood and morals improve increase. Sunlight Helps in cases of chronic or acute depression, by stimulating the synthesis of endorphins (good-feeling hormones). That's why we get depressed in the cold and dark days of the winter.

2. The sun is good against insomnia. Daytime exposure to sunlight the melatonin production Increases During the night. This Helps Regulate the sleep hormone.

3. Under the action of the sunlight, the skin synthesizes vitamin D, calcium absorption Which makes possible in the intestine, helping the organism grow strong bones. This way the sun rachitism Prevents Both children and adults in and osteoporosis in elders.

4. As vitamin D and some related compounds impede the development of some cancer cells, we can say the sun fights off This disease. Regular and controlled exposure to the sun has a preventive effect against cancer of colon, breast, leukemia and lymphomas.

5. Exposure to the sun Strengthens the cardiovascular system. Blood circulation is improved, the pulse, blood pressure, glycemia and moderately high cholesterol levels can be normalized.

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